Tuesday, July 16, 2019


The plan today was a drive Many Glacier road this morning and then to drive the upper portion of the Going to the Sun Road in the afternoon.  It didn't exactly work out.  The 12 mile drive to Many Glacier is through reservation land has many potholes and was extremely rough. The road travels along Sherburne Lake, and the farther you drive up the valley the more clearly you can see Grinnell and Salamander glaciers.  The only problem was that the closer we got to the entrance to Many Glacier the more cars were lining up.  The Ranger told everyone to turn around and come back another day.  By 10:30 this morning the road was closed to tourists.

Plan B: Start driving the Going to the Road from the East side to Logan Pass and forget about going all the way into Many Glaciers. Maybe tonight after dinner they will attempt it again. Going to the Sun Road was not as crowded and the drive was fantastic, even if the weather didn't cooperate. It was cloudy as they started up the mountain and became more cloudy as they drove up to Logan Pass.  There were mountain goats and marmots sighted on the hike up to the overlook. Many trails in Logan Pass area were closed due to bears in the area.  Just when they decided they should start back down to camp, it started to rain.  Me, I'm still inside, warm and dry.

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