Saturday, July 20, 2019


I guess we have seen everything there is to see here.  I know that's not really true, but sometime when you are on vacation you just have to slow down and take it easy.  That's what's happening today.  "Maybe we'll go for a bike ride, or maybe we'll go for a hike, maybe we'll even go whiskey tasting." But, no one could make up their minds, so here it is late afternoon and we've done absolutely NOTHING.

Well, not exactly nothing. They drove to Kalispell this morning to cruise the Costco for an hour. And I did make Kathe take me for a walk around the entire RV park just to get her nose out of her Kindle and out of the house.   Of course the washing machine was running all day, but that's no fun. I'm just happy that it's too cold outside for anyone to give me a bath, because you know that usually happens when they start cleaning things around here. It was only 53 this morning and it's still breezy with rain showers threatening this afternoon.

Tomorrow we move to Marion, Montana to McGregor Lakes for some more relaxing!

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