Friday, July 26, 2019


Back over the border into Montana, down stream from the town of Libby, is the Kootenai Falls State Park.  The Kootenai River runs through a narrow, very rocky gorge and drops 300 feet for a distance of several hundred yards. The falls are visible after a short hike through the forest on the east side of the park and there is a suspension bridge on the west.

Everyone enjoyed the hike and the view of the falls, but only the guys walked across the gorge on the swinging suspension bridge. The bridge is 210 feet across and 100 feet above the water.  I'm glad I stayed home.

They found a great restaurant/casino in the town of Troy, MT for lunch on the way back to camp.

Today was the farmers market day in Troy and they were able to buy local fruit, berries, and vegetables. Score! They saw a sign on the road that said, "HUCKS", so they stopped there and bought some delicious huckleberries and fresh eggs from Aunt Patty's Farm. Another great day!

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