Thursday, July 18, 2019


Still not the greatest weather. I try to get Kathe to take me outside between the rain showers and we have been very lucky. Just when we get back inside the skies let loose, but we stay dry. All day long it's been a mix of sunny skies and rain showers.

After breakfast, once I settled in my favorite chair, the humans decided to take the 30 mile drive out of the Park to the little town of Polebridge.  I thought they were looking for wildlife.  But it seems that Warren and Kathe remembered a great bakery in Polebridge when they were here the last time. So, off they went in search of delicious pastry. They must have found some because they brought home several bags of sweet smelling stuff. They tried to continue north to Bowman Lake, but they were turned back at the ranger station. Parking there was already full to capacity so they had to turn around.

The next stop was Lake McDonald where they had a picnic lunch.  After that they did some shopping in the  historic Lake McDonald Lodge and watched the storm coming in across the lake. By the time they returned to camp, the sun was out again.

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