Tuesday, July 23, 2019


If you are wondering why I didn't blog last night it's partially because the WiFi here is not great and since I had nothing to report and no pictures, I skipped a night. Today was just as boring as yesterday so just read this twice and you'll be caught up! There are no pictures because the WiFi won't let me send them.

Basically, we are relaxing.  Yesterday it rained all day.  In the early afternoon they took a drive to the Thompson Chain of Lakes, a State Park of six lakes that span about 20 miles on Highway 2. Didn't take any pictures, it was too dark and wet.  Getting out of the car meant being eaten alive by the mosquitoes. They stopped at each lake to see if maybe there might be one where the guys could fish. Since the one day fishing licence in Montana costs $52.00 nothing really appealed to them. I think the fish will have to be jumping out of the water and onto the hook for that to happen.

Back at the campsite it was reading, napping and coloring all day. Today has been a repeat of yesterday without the rain or the drive.  Reading, napping and the Kathies worked together on a jigsaw puzzle all afternoon. I guess we all needed some time to relax, but I hope tomorrow when we get to Idaho maybe we can do something worth blogging about.

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