Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Traveling this morning on highway 287 from Gallatin Gateway to Helena we saw thousands of acres of wheat fields. Made me want to stop for a sandwich on some whole grain bread. Warren and Kathe had the same idea. When we saw the sign for "Wheat Montana Bakery" we pulled into the parking lot to load up on Montana breads and pastries.  The motto on the building says, "We sew it, we grow it, and we dough it." Everything there looked delicious!

At last, we pulled into the Lincoln Road RV Resort at about 3:00 this afternoon. We have stayed here before when we stopped in Helena a few years ago, but now it has become a KOA. It took forever to get checked in, but we were finally assigned two sites together at the end of the park. Guess what, we have a view of more wheat fields!

Warren told Jim that he thinks they can fish in the irrigation ditch behind the park. Good luck with that. I hope tomorrow Jim and Warren will find a real fishing spot and catch some nice big trout for dinner.

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