Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wild West Winthrop

I never thought that I'd be wishing for rain, but it's so hot today some rain would be very welcome about now.  We've tried everything. Jim washed the car and the motor home today and still no rain.

Main Street Winthrop
It was so hot this morning I slept in until it was well past 7 o'clock.  The birds were out, but it's too hot for most of the critters I usually see on my morning walks.  In this heat my favorite bird is the rain bird, Kathe walks so slow I can creep up on one and get all wet.  Then, when they spray her she gets a nice surprise!  After our walk it was back to the air conditioned motor home for us both!

Kathe with a citizen of Winthrop
Today Kathe and Jim went into the town of Winthrop which was settled in 1883 when the lure of gold brought the first permanent white settlers here.  Today the town of Winthrop has been restored to look like an authentic old western town. (sort of)  It's a big tourist attraction in the summer with all sorts of shops and galleries and people walking down the wooden sidewalks of main street.

The area is surrounded by National Forest, State Game, and Wilderness areas.  In winter it is a prime destination for cross country skiers and in summer people come here to fish and mountain bike ride.
The view from Sun Mountain Resort

Tonight they went out for dinner at the Sun Mountain Resort.  They both had steak for dinner and did not bring home a doggie bag!

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