Saturday, June 6, 2015

Into the Trees

Up and out at the crack of dawn, my eye!  More like the crack of ten or eleven! I did my best to get things started this morning, I woke Kathe up at 5 AM and again at 6 but do you think she would stay up?  No, she went right back to sleep. And Jim? he didn't even open his eyes!  By the time the two of them got up this morning it was time for my first nap.

We rolled out of Red Bluff at half past ten to begin the drive to the Valley of the Rouge State Park. We traveled from farmlands into the pine forests, then into a desert landscape before we were finally back into the trees in Oregon.

On the way, we past Lake Shasta where despite the low water
we spotted a few house boats.  Next came the view of a snow covered Mount Shasta in the clouds. We had a pretty nice rain storm last night, so maybe that's why there was so much snow on the mountain this morning.

We arrived here at the State Park mid afternoon and backed into our spot (several times!).  Seems that guy across the way from us didn't think Kathe was doing a good enough job of guiding Jim into the
spot, so he took over.  Nice guy, but we were kinda into the trees and you know Jim can't have that. We thanked him for his help, then Kathe took over.  Jim moved about three feet to the left and we were all set.  Jim did trim a a tiny little bit off one of the cedar trees before he was happy with the site.

You can see the river from our site if you stand on your tip toes in the sticker patch behind our rig.

I'm going out later when to look for squirrels, Looks very promising!

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