Tuesday, June 16, 2015

In a Rain Forest

Lower North Falls 65 ft
Who knew.  We're in the middle of a rain forest. Today we found out that Silver Falls is a Temperate Rain Forest that gets 80 inches of rain each year.  There is more living mass and nutrient resources here then any other ecosystem on the planet.  It's been sunny and warm here in the campground, but all around us are the waterfalls and pools of a rain forest. We've only seen songbirds and small animals, but in the remote areas of the park are 8 species of owls, as well as black bears, cougars and coyotes.

Salmon Berry

We've been wondering about a berry that looks like an orange raspberry that we have seen all around this park. The Ranger told us that it's a Salmon berry that the Northwest Indians used to cook with their salmon.  It's pretty, but doesn't taste very good.  So there won't be any salmon berry cobbler or muffins, just this picture.
North Falls 136 ft

Things around here are VERY quiet tonight.  Jim went for another bike ride this morning and then they both went for another hike.  I guess yesterday wasn't enough for them, so they had to hike to another two waterfalls today. The hike to Upper North Falls was a nice shady hike with no steep climbs and only about a half mile one way.  After that they hiked to North Falls which had a drop of 78 steps to the trail that passed under the falls.  They weren't strenuous hikes, but I guess the effect was cumulative because they are both pooped tonight.

To tell you the truth, I'm a little tired tonight myself.  There are just too many sights and smells here, it's almost too much for me.  I sort of almost  caught a squirrel this morning.  Kathe was walking with me and not paying attention when out of nowhere a little guy ran right across my path. I took off after him, but Kathe woke up and pulled me back right as he disappeared up a tree. Darn!