Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Fur Coat

The Bridge across the Skagit
I thought it was hot yesterday, but today was even hotter.  I couldn't get to sleep last night until it finally cooled down around midnight.  I wish I could take off this fur coat, I'd sure be a hecka of a lot cooler.

Jim went for a bike ride in the heat this morning while Kathe and I tried to find some shade under some trees in the back of the campsite.

The campground was full last night and deserted this morning, guess everyone else was looking for a cooler place to be.  Since we were alone we turned on the air conditioning a couple of times today and ran the generator, but as soon as we went outside again it was like opening the oven door.

The Cool Skagit River
Kathe and Jim went for a hike on the Trail of the Cedars.  Last time we were here Kathe didn't want to cross the river on the suspension bridge so they skipped this hike.  This time she ran across it and back.  The hike was an interpretive trail that told the history of the forest and the power plant that was built here to harness the Skagit river and bring electricity to Seattle.

The Interpretive Trail
The Forest here has two levels. In the 1920's there was a great fire that burned all the trees except the Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar.  Some of those remaining trees are over 600 feet tall.  The second forest is the one that grew up under those trees and is mostly made up of Maple and Sycamore trees.  The trail circles through this forest and back along the Skagit River and then back over the bridge.

It's so hot, I'm eating ice cubes!

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