Sunday, June 21, 2015


First class Accommodations 
Kathe and Jim should have known better. Indian Reservations allow FIREWORKS!!!  I thought since the Forth of July is still a few weeks off that things would be peaceful on the Reservation.  Not so.  We were having a nice quiet evening when all of a sudden BOOM, CRACK, POP, SIZZLE! We were under attack. I hate fireworks, even with my Thunder shirt and two calming pills I was a nervous wreck all night.  Kathe and I finally got to sleep around 3 AM.  I sure hope they don't celebrate the Forth of July in Canada.

We left Yakama this morning and headed to Leavenworth, Washington.  Before we left I took this picture of the other accommodations at this Resort.  They had no-vacancy in the tepees last night. I'm glad we have a motor home because these "authentic" tepees are built on a 4 inch thick slab of concrete, have no running water, no electricity and no air conditioning.  And no windows in 90 degree heat!  Funny how they cleared out so fast this morning.

Icicle River
Our home for the next three nights is the Icicle River RV Resort.  It's in the woods outside of the Bavarian town of Leavenworth.  We didn't get a site on the river this time, but we're still happy to be in this beautiful area. I've been down to the river to explore a little and it's cool and refreshing.  I didn't get down into the water because that's just for big dogs.  I saw a Lab and a Golden splashing and swimming in the rapids.

Jim was feeling lazy this afternoon so he took a bike ride to the blueberry farm a few miles down the road.  Kathe was feeling lazy too, but it didn't seem to bother her.  She's eating blueberries on the sofa!

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