Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dam, Dam, Dam

Gorge Dam
It's cooler today, so Kathe says I can't complain about the heat anymore.  It's cloudy and much cooler.  It looks like it might even rain tonight. I thought that might cool things off, but then I remembered that rain on the roof of a motor home is sort of like Chinese water torture.
Hope there is no thunder or lightning because that might cause a forest fire.

I sat in the shade all morning with Kathe while Jim went for a short bike ride.  We enjoyed the cool breezes and the peace and quiet of the forest.  It's Sunday night and almost all the campers have left, there are only 2 other campers left in our loop.  We left our air conditioner and generator on at dinner when all the people are driving around choosing their sites for the night, guess we were too noisy and chased them to the another loop.
Ross Dam

Kathe and Jim went exploring this afternoon. They took a picnic and went down the Highway to the Gorge Dam, Diablo Dam and Ross Dam. These 3 dams are owned Seattle City Light to provide electric power 89% of the electricity used in Seattle. The Gorge Dam is over 300 feet high, the Diablo Dam is 389 feet high, and the Ross Dam is 540 feet high.

They were able to drive across the Ross Dam and the winds were so high that a coin tossed into the air comes right back to you.
Ross Lake National Recreation Area

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