Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I Love My Thunder Shirt

This is going to going to be a short post this evening,  We are all very tired and ready for a good nights sleep.  Last night, actually more like 4 AM this morning, we were blasted awake by a terrific thunder and lightning storm. It came out of nowhere and all three of us jumped out of bed.  We could see the lightning and feel the thunder right above us.  Kathe quickly grabbed my "Thunder Shirt" and strapped me in nice and tight.  I took a calming pill and dove under the bed until things quieted down. The rain came down on the roof like Chinese water torture for the next two hours.  We are hoping for a less exciting night tonight

This morning Kathe and Jim went to seminars and toured the new 2015 and 2016 Tiffen motor homes on display.  They had 17 beautiful rigs available for purchase and 7 were sold today. Kathe and Jim couldn't find one that they liked better than the one we have now, so I don't have to worry about moving anytime soon.

It was over 90 degrees again today, so I didn't do much except walk around the park, but only when it was absolutely necessary. The rest of the time I spent inside in the air conditioning or under a shady tree.

In the afternoon they honored the Veterans with a golf card parade followed by an ice cream social. As I predicted in yesterday's posting we did not win the prize for decorating our coach.

Tonight Kathe and Jim dressed up for a sock hop and they didn't win any prizes for that either. Here is a picture of them leaving the sock hop on the way to the casino.

They had better luck tonight at the slot machines, Jim came home with $65 and Kathe won $31.50.

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