Thursday, June 25, 2015

It's A Wild Life

Where's Waldo
Padilla Bay at Low  Tide
Kicking back today at Bay View.  After I took Kathe for a walk this morning she and Jim went back to sleep until almost nine o'clock.  When Kathe finally jumped into the shower and Jim ran some water to shave they both realized that Jim forgot to turn on the hot water heater last night.  No swear words. Kathe just put her pajamas back on to wait for the hot water, and Jim shaved with ice cold water.  Half the day was gone before those guys even finished breakfast.

Yesterday I mentioned all the unripe blackberries out side our kitchen window. Today there was a chipmunk right out there eating the green berries.  I would have done something about it, but I have had quite enough experience with blackberry thorns on my morning walks.  So, I'll wait until he comes out in the open before I launch my attack.

Oh, Dear
Kathe and Jim ran errands today as tomorrow we will be headed to the North Cascades National Park. There are no services up there so they had to stock up on bread and milk and bananas before they head to the wilderness. They stopped at Camping World because they are still having troubles with the cable that connects the car to the motor home.  Jim got a new one but had to rewire it, hope that does the trick and we won't have a dead battery when we get to the next campsite.

Kathe went out to take a few pictures of Padilla Bay.  It's a tidal bay that is entirely flooded at high tide and at low tide the mudflats are exposed. It's a habitat for many birds and animals.  This morning the Ranger said that an eagle was caught up in some fishing line down at the bay and had to be rescued.

It's a really peaceful area with homes and farms along the shore.  On the way back to the campground tonight a doe and her two fawns jumped out across the road.  Kathe stopped just in time.  She still had the camera out and took a picture as they walked away.

Don't know if we will have Internet up in the National Park, so don't worry about me if you don't hear from me for the next three days

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