Wednesday, July 31, 2024


The rain has finally stopped and this today we actually saw the sun. My Kathe took me out this morning for a walk wearing a short sleeved shirt a capris. Immediately she returned to the coach and changed into long pants and a ski vest. Not exactly summer when the temperature is barely 60 degrees.

Today the humans had a busman’s holiday. You would think with all the driving they have done this past month that they might want to stay home and relax like Gianni, Bella and me. Nope. Today they drove over 50 miles one way to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. It’s a non profit center dedicated to aiding wildlife.  Once there, they drove and walked the 1.5 mile loop and  were able to view wildlife in large enclosures. They were able to see several bears, moose, bison, caribou, and elk in grassy fields. There were also smaller enclosures for porcupines, fox, lynx, and coyotes.  Trying to get good pictures of all the animals was a challenge, but they had a great time outdoors today in the sunshine. 

The drive to the Wildlife sanctuary was along the scenic Turnagain Arm, a coastline where several glaciers could be seen. They stopped in the area of the Portage Valley which was formed by several glaciers. The main attraction was the Portage Glacier which is ten stories high. They also walked along a trail to the Chugach National Forest Visitors Center. There they saw some very informative exhibits that explained how the area was formed by the movement of the glaciers.

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