Thursday, July 25, 2024


Another long and bumpy drive today from North Pole/Fairbanks to Denali National Park. We saw lots of mountains along the way but none were Denali. We checked into Denali Grizzly Bear Resort at about 3 o’clock and got set up in our sites for the next four nights. I did some exploring first thing and there are good smells all around, but maybe that was just the food trucks.  Still didn’t see Denali Mountain.

The humans reserved tickets for a bus tour tomorrow and drove as far into the park as allowed in the Jeep. They turned into a pull out along the road which had a sign that read “Mountain View.” Nope, couldn’t see it for the trees. Diving a little father to the turn around point they saw a partial view and took this picture.

Maybe the sky will clear and they will be able to get better pictures on the tour tomorrow.

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