Saturday, July 20, 2024


We left Valdez this morning and headed towards Fairbanks on the Richardson Highway.  It was an okay drive, a few gravel spots and some potholes but we dodged most of the bad stuff. The scenery certainly changed.  No more glaciers, just a few mountain tops with some snow, but everything was green. Trees and vegetation as far and high as the eye could see.

We didn’t have a reservation for tonight, but we were planning to stop here at Paxton Lake campground and hopefully score a site on the BLM land.  Little did we know that the campground was a mile and a half from the road. Yes, a long road of gravel and dust. Jim is upset that the jeep is covered in a light gray powder, and no car wash in sight!

It took a very long time to find the right site and to get level. Some tree trimming was involved but we finally got set up in a really pretty spot. Unfortunately Gianni and Bella are camped on the other side of the campground.

None of the humans wanted to walk across the campground in the mosquito infested areas, so we had dinner on our own tonight. This is a picture of the view from the front of our motor home tonight.

Only here for tonight before driving to Fairbanks in the morning. If the bears don’t get us first!

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