Sunday, July 21, 2024


All about the drive today. Long enough drive to make everyone tired tonight. I wish they knew how to make a straight road without potholes and gravel patches here in Alaska. We’re staying in a typical KOA  campground tonight. Lots of caravan people around who are willing to share their experiences with us. Should be a nice four day stay here as there are both a Fred Meyer and a Costco here. We haven’t seen those stores since we left the USA. A picture here of the Paxton Lake and one from the drive on Richardson Highway showing the pipeline.

We spent an unrestful night at the BLM campground last night. You should have seen my Kathe in her getup last night. Scared of bears and dressed all in black with mosquito netting on her head.  The young couple camped across from us were laughing as they carelessly left all of their  food on the picnic table and slept outside in a hammock. Mosquitos were relentless, they love Warren no matter what kind of spray he uses.

As we drove to Fairbanks we followed the path of the Trans Alaska Pipeline which runs from Prudhoe Bay toValdez a distance  of 800 miles. The pipeline is 48 in diameter and can be seen from the highway as more than half it is above ground to prevent the hot oil from melting the permafrost. It was the world’s largest privately funded construction project at cost 8 billion dollars in 1974-77.

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