Tuesday, July 23, 2024


That’s right, North Pole. Not the real Pole but the town right down Badger Highway from Fairbanks is North Pole, Alaska. Yes, there is a Santa Land there but more about that tomorrow.  For me the days are all starting to blend together, walks around the campground and napping are my specialties. 

Today my Kathe got her haircut after seven weeks on the road. She probably won’t need another for a while because she got scalped. The alternative is wearing a ball cap.

The fix-it men were on the job most of the afternoon trying to repair one of the Taylors air conditioners. The temperature here today was 87 degrees and Jim was trying to figure out how to replace a capacitor without getting a shock. After a while they decided it was too hot to work on the roof and they will continue the job tomorrow morning when it’s cooler. Keep your paws crossed that that all goes well.

One of trip advisors top things to do here was the Pagoda Chinese Restaurant. Didn’t I tell you that things here are a bit strange? Well, this restaurant serves so much food that they give the patrons a giant doggie bag to take home the leftovers. It was very crowded with families, definitely the place to eat in North Pole.

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