Saturday, July 6, 2024


Not much to report today. It’s so quiet here compared to Skagway that everyone including me slept in. After a leisurely breakfast I went back to sleep and the humans planned a morning of shopping. They were all excited when they found out that there was a Walmart here in Whitehorse. After an obligatory stop at the hardware store for more mosquito repellents they drove to the Walmart. So disappointing. It might have been a Walmart, but they didn’t have any fresh groceries. 

Next they went to the Real Canadian SuperStore, which was supposed to be like our Costco. Nope. It was a gigantic supermarket and it took them a very long time to find what they needed on their shopping list. So disorganized. A tiny meat department and the cheeses were in four different areas so it was very stressful and expensive. Not anything like a Costco at all.

By the time they returned home it was almost 3:00. Late lunch and a nap was in order for me.  It was sunny and warm so the humans sat outside in the sunshine.

Here’s a picture of the food truck here in the RV park. Really delicious food and even the people from town stop in for meals. They are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tomorrow we are planning on ordering a charcuterie board and have drinks to celebrate Jim’s birthday. Maybe Kathe will stick a candle in a wedge of cheese. 

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