Tuesday, July 16, 2024


It’s been raining non stop since we arrived. The fog is in and it’s definitely Alaska weather. I like the rain but unfortunately I can’t go out by myself and trying to get Kathe to take me out is really a pain. She’s very grumpy when wet.

Today because it was so cold and rainy no one wanted to do much. First stop was the Safeway market. We haven’t seen one of those on our trip since we left.  They were fully stocked but the prices were 3 times what we would pay back in California. Jim’s Eggo pancakes were $9.49 for a box which normally would be $3.99. A shocker, but everything has to be shipped here so I guess that’s the reason things are so expensive.  Good thing we are only here for a few days.

Later after a tour of the town of Valdez they stopped at the Valdez Museum.  It was excellent and there were many exhibits about the culture and the people who settled here. There were two exhibits about the historic events that the town was known for. One area was devoted to Exxon oil spill and how the people and the environment have been affected by it. The area still has not completely recovered from the disaster. The other very interesting exhibit included a film about the 9.2 earthquake and tsunami in 1964. After the devastating earthquake the entire town had to be destroyed and another completely new Valdez was created four miles away.

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