Monday, July 22, 2024


While I was sleeping comfortably in the motor home today everyone else was running around town with errands. First thing this morning Jim took the Jeep into the dealer to see if there was something wrong that might be causing the wobble issue. They had all day to do the work but never even started on it until about an hour before closing. Bottom line, they couldn’t find anything mechanical that was causing the wobble. They suggested a wiring kit that upon further investigation is not applicable to our Jeep. 

Meanwhile, the Kathies both had issues with trying to get prescription medication here in Fairbanks. Note, if you have an HMO you won’t be able to get medication from a clinic. Kathy T spent half the day in the emergency room of the hospital just to get her prescription. My Kathe had another issue. Her doctor called a prescription into the Walgreens here in town. Only problem was that they didn’t have it in stock. It took the whole day to sort that one out. She finally picked up her pills at about 7 PM tonight at Fred Meyers.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and they can get back to having some fun here in Fairbanks. The KOA is really nice, we have super sites, although our neighbors are so close that we have to duck under their awning to walk in the morning. This is a picture of the Lake here in the campground. Happily there are no mosquitoes to worry about as the temperature today was 85 degrees. In Alaska!

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