Sunday, July 28, 2024


Finally, the sun is shining and the rain has stopped here in Denali. Perfect day for the humans to take a hike! We have been here now for five days and seen as much of the park that is accessible. The park is vast, but only a small portion of the 6 million acres are available to the public. On the bus tour there were sightings of animals, but so very far away that we don’t have pictures, only memories.

Today they chose a hike along the Savage River at mile 15, the farthest point drivable by personal vehicles. There were lots of people out today enjoying the nice weather and hiking this moderate 2 mile trail along the Savage River. Kathe took this picture, one of many beautiful sights on both sides of the river.

On the way back down the park road the cloud cover revealed a portion of Denali Mountain. Still not a great picture, but at least they saw the mountain. The snowy peak in the middle of the picture in the “U” between the two mountains is Denali. Really!

After lunch and a quick walk in the sunshine for me they drove into the town of Denali. Big hotels for Princess and Holland America, and lots of souvenir shops. Not much new here, hats T-shirts and stuff they could live without. Tomorrow we head to Anchorage which will be a 237 mile drive. 

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