Thursday, July 18, 2024


Longest day of my life. Kathe and Jim left this morning for an all day Wildlife and Glacier cruise on a small ship called the LuLu Belle. They left me in charge of the motor home at 10:00 this morning and didn’t get home until 8:00. Let me just say that I am a very good doggie!

Here’s what I know about the cruise. They were the last  to board the ship so were able to sit in the wheelhouse with the captain. They had the best view.  They saw many sea lions along the coast. There were otters in the water everywhere swimming on their backs close to the boat. Some were even lying on some of the ice blocks floating in the sea. Kathe spotted three bald eagles in the pine trees. The captain drove the boat right into two large rock caves where they were able to see tiny little puffins.

Then when they were further out to sea they spotted a humpback whale and two babies. They watched them for a long time but only got pictures of whale tails and blow spouts. But it was very exciting to be so close to them for such a long time.

The highlight of the trip of course was seeing the Columbia Glacier up close.  The captain sailed through the chunks of ice, small icebergs, that were floating all around them. He pulled the boat very close to the Glacier that it was a little scary. Cruising between icebergs is nerve racking.

If that wasn’t enough, they also sailed west to another part of the same Glacier which was also in the middle of chunks of ice. By the time they backed away from that Glacier they were ready to get back on land.

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