Friday, July 26, 2024


It's raining and very foggy today, so it looks like you’re not going to get a picture of the famous mountain.
Goodness knows what mountain Kathe took a picture of yesterday, but it sure wasn’t Denali. Today they learned that in summer there is only a 5% chance of being able to see it from the park. This park is so big, over 6,075,030 acres and the roads are not accessible to much of it. So forget about a picture of Denali for now. Maybe we will see it on the way to Anchorage.

The humans got up early this morning to take a park transit bus. Private vehicles are only allowed into the park on the first 15 miles of the park road, and if you want to see more of the park you have to buy a bus ticket. The tour they chose was a 4 1/2 tour that took them up 43 miles to the East Fork.  Some of the road was paved, but most of it was gravel. They were very happy that they decided to take the tour as they learned a lot about the history and the preservation of this grand park. On the bus ride they saw some wildlife.  The driver spotted a baby moose in the middle of the road and pointed out some caribou, a grizzly bear, big horn sheep, and a mother red tailed fox with her kits. Unfortunately everything was too far away to get pictures, but it was amazing that that many animals are here in the park.

Kathe took this picture of the Talkeetna River, a swift glacier river that runs through the park. Jim is trying to get someone interested in a float trip while we are here. It’s raining again tonight and cold so I don’t think that’s going to happen. I don’t mind the rain one bit, but I’m the only one.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better as there is so much more to see here.

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