Sunday, July 7, 2024


This morning the humans planned a hike in Miles Canyon in Whitehorse. It’s a beautiful area. The canyon was formed about nine million years ago by a rush of Basaltic lava. There’s a 85 foot suspension bridge that spans the Yukon River below. The only way to hike the canyon is to first cross that bridge. Kathe put on her big girl pants and walked across by herself.  She didn’t want anyone else on the bridge with her so that it wouldn’t wobble.  As you know, she is not a fan of suspension bridges.

It was a warm and sunny day so it was great being outside in the fresh air. Walking in the woods and not seeing any mosquitoes was great. The trail follows the Yukon River. They walked carefully on the path as it was high above on the river on the edge of the cliff. There were speed boats flying down the river below. A really beautiful area for a hike. Even though they had to go back across that bridge to get back to the car it was still a great hike.

It was a special day for Jim’s birthday, he spent it doing what he loves. Hiking the trail in the morning, then a short jeep excursion to Mary Lake in the afternoon. Tonight the humans had a champagne toast to Jim followed by a charcuterie board at the Taylor’s coach.

Dinner tonight at the gourmet food truck on site with delicious pizzas and too much wine. Even a slice of cake with candles.  Jim wants me to say thank you to  all of his friends and family who called and texted him to wish him happy birthday!

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