Thursday, August 1, 2024


Today was a day for catching up on things that needed to be done before we head out to Homer and the Kenai Peninsula. We wanted to take advantage while in civilization to do some of the things that might not be available once we go south. Of course I was first on the list of things we needed to do! Kathe took me to a groomer where I had the works this morning. A trim and blowout and a paw pedicure. At least I won’t have to get dunked in the kitchen sink for at least a couple of weeks.

While I was getting the spa treatments the Kathies went for human pedicures. It’s the first time on this trip that they actually pampered themselves. What did Warren and Jim do while us girls were out for the morning? Since there is always something that needs fixing on the motor home, they had a few chores to keep them busy. Jim spent some time working on the scratches we got when we spent the night in the woods in Paxton. They are pretty deep but he’s making progress.  Warren fixed a chip in the windshield of the Jeep using a kit he purchased at the auto parts store.  It’s the second chip he’s had on this trip, the first one was repaired in Canada.

So that’s the day in a nutshell.

The pictures here are more of the animals that they saw yesterday at the Wildlife Park. And the cocktail moratorium has been lifted. Tonight’s cocktail was Mermaids Water.

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