Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Wow, was it cold last night. I stayed curled up and didn’t get out of bed until around seven o’clock . It was quite a challenge for Jim to keep us warm last night since we didn’t have any hookups at our camp ground. We knew that going in but we haven’t dry camped in a long time. We had to turn the generator off at nine o’clock and he was up checking the voltage several times until he finally set the aqua hot to 65 and we all hunkered down under the covers. We woke up and it was 34 degrees outside so we stayed in bed till the coach was a respectable 72 degrees inside.

We left early this morning because our drive to Meziadin Lake Provincial Park was 222 miles. That may not sound like a long distance but the highway was a challenge. Lots of twisty turns and steep grades so we couldn’t really go more than 45 to 50 mph. It was however one of the most beautiful drives yet. We drove in a tunnel of giant trees which felt like a hike in the forest.

We arrived here at Meziadin Park close to 4 o’clock and what a great surprise. This place is beautiful and according to Warren the best place we ever camped. Our site is right on the river and although it’s cold and windy we were able to sit outside for the first evening in a long time. 

Everyone here says that Grizzly bears frequent the lake in the early evening. My humans sat out with their cameras ready to snap some pictures. Our next door neighbors here said they see them every night. We weren’t that lucky or unlucky. The rangers told Kathe that if I have to go out tonight to potty that she had better bring some bear spray. More on this tomorrow.

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