Monday, August 12, 2024


Raining off and on today but that didn’t stop my humans from enjoying the day in the Kenai Wilderness. They drove to the Skilak Lake Road an 18 mile-long gravel road that is one of the best wildlife viewing areas on the Kenai Peninsula.  Unfortunately in 2015 much of the area suffered in a massive fire. Many areas are still trying to recover but it was still a beautiful drive.

They set out to see wildlife and not too many miles into the forest they saw the first black bear. It was a baby bear on the side of the road. The cars made too much noise and he scampered back into the trees before they could take a picture. After that they started driving more slowly and watching the sides of the road. Along a grassy area they spotted another bear and her two cubs crossing the road in front of them. The bears stopped on the other side of the road and started eating the grass. We watched them for several minutes and took a couple of pictures before a truck came rumbling back and the bears ran off.  We couldn’t get close enough to get a good picture.

Along the drive they saw several trailheads and campgrounds around the many smaller lakes in the area. They stopped at Skilak Lake to take a picture.  It’s about 14 miles long and contains glacier runoff making it really clear. Maybe it was the because of the weather but there we only saw one boat on the water.

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