Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Last night with all the worry about the bears coming into our campsite my humans were on high alert. The rangers told Jim to keep the bear spray handy when they took me out for my nightly walks.  They needn’t worry as the bears never showed up.  There were so many campers waiting on the shore with giant camera lenses that it looked like a NatGeo special. Even Kathy T set up her tripod and camera for a while. The wind came up and it was too cold and most everyone went into their campers without a bear in sight.

When my Kathe took me out at midnight and again at 4 AM she was very nervous and she turned on all the outside lights in case we saw any bears. Nothing happened until right before we were leaving this morning. Our next door neighbors were out with their telescopes and cameras pointed to the lake where 2 young grizzlies were swimming to the island right across from our campsite. We watched them playing and running around for about a half hour before we had to pack up and leave. The bears are definitely grizzlies but dark because they were wet from swimming. So much fun to watch them even from a distance. Sorry that Kathe didn’t have one of those fancy cameras but at least she got some pictures with her phone.

The drive today was short but sweet, only about 90 miles to Kitwanga, BC.We’re traveling south now and the trees are changing colors. The birches are starting to drop yellow leaves on the highway and the beautiful pink fireweed has turned a ghostly gray-pink. Winter is definitely on its way to Canada.

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