Thursday, August 15, 2024


Another sunny day. The good thing about when it’s raining is that you don’t have to have a bath until the sun shines. When the sun finally comes out, then you get to sit in the kitchen sink and have soap and water poured all over your whole self. At least the sun was bright and warm afterwards. I may not be beautiful but smell real good.

Some disappointing news this morning. The Taylors both tested positive for Covid. They thought they just had colds but after taking the tests they found out the bad news. So they are isolating themselves from my humans for the next five days. It’s sad because we do so much together and it’s lonely without them. Keep your paws crossed that they recover soon. We have a lot of driving to do in the next few weeks and it’s no fun feeling sick.

Kathe and Jim decided to venture out solo this afternoon to see the Matanuska Glacier. It was a 54 mile drive made longer by several stops for road work, but it was an incredible adventure. The Mountains and valleys along the drive were like nothing they’d ever seen. There was a mountain range in the distance that was snow covered and glaciated. The highway was on the edge of steep cliffs. It was windy and rough, but the scenery was jaw dropping. Eventually they reached the glacier and found out that they could have purchased a hiking tour onto the glacier. It was too late in the day for the hike, but they were able to take some awesome pictures.

Maybe if it’s not raining tomorrow they will go to the Alaska State Fair. 

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