Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Not the best day. This morning we smelled smoke as we left Tok, and found out that there is a forest fire in the Yukon. We were headed to Beaver Creek and the fire is about 30 Kilometers from there.  As the drive continued luckily the smoke wasn’t as heavy. This is a picture of the Taylors coach in front of us this morning. No beautiful scenery today!

After we passed into Canada we started to see that recently they did “road work” on the Canadian part of Highway 1. The road was 55 miles of gravel. When there wasn’t any gravel on the road  it was potholes and bumps. A very horrible drive for all of us. Our cars and the motor homes are covered with dust because vehicles coming on the other side of the road were throwing dirt and gravel high enough to make visibility difficult. It took five hours to drive the 140 miles today. We are happy we made it to Yukon Discovery Lodge where it’s quiet and peaceful. Two nights here before we brave the highway again.

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