Monday, August 5, 2024


I know that sounds like a fictitious royal nation in a Hallmark movie, but it’s really a small town in Alaska. This morning all of the humans boarded a Ferry and crossed the Kachemak Bay. Forty-five minutes later they were in beautiful Seldovia. The population is only around 200 but at one time the town was bigger than Homer and was an important supply point and trading post. There were several historical sites and interesting buildings to explore.

Unfortunately today it was raining the whole time they were in the town but they were able to enjoy the afternoon in spite of the weather. The town is very small and many of the houses are connected by a boardwalk or are built on pier stilts above the water. There were a few touristy shops and two restaurants, but it was hard to see much in the pouring rain.

The name Seldovia originates from a similar sounding Russian word that means herring bay. The area is the traditional homeland of the Sugpiaq people who have lived here for thousands of years. Russian traders arrived in the area seeking sea otter pelts making the area an important shipping center for the region. There was Russian Orthodox chapel in town which is still used today.

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