Sunday, August 4, 2024


Late start this morning. My family was up and ready to go by 11:00 this morning but the Taylor’s were taking it slow and didn’t appear until 12:30. After all, this is a supposed to be a vacation. Sometimes with all the driving and getting settled in different places it takes a while to get into the swing of things. 

First thing today was a trip into the actual town of Homer. Driving along a road at the edge of the cliff that overlooks the Kachemack Bay, we took this photo. It was a beautiful day and the Glaciers are so magnificent we never get tired of seeing them. 

Kathe and Jim really like the TV show “Alaska, The Last Frontier,” so they decided to see if they could find the homestead that is shown on the show. It’s located at eastern end of the Bay on 800 acres.  As you can see by this sign they didn’t get far.

Later, they drove to the Homer Spit (a narrow coastal landform that extends into the sea) to see where the tourists all gather. There are several docks and hundreds of boats of all shapes and sizes along one side of the Spit. Lots of shops and restaurants on the road that ends at the Bay. They enjoyed shopping and had a late lunch of fish and chips.

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