Sunday, August 25, 2024


Maybe I sound like a broken record but it’s raining again. It started  as soon as we arrived last night and poured all night. The rain was so loud that Kathe thought it might even be hale. It was just another heavy rain storm. We went out for my early, early walk and it was so muddy that I had to get my feet washed before coming back into the coach. Kathe listens to the falling rain and waits until it gets a little lighter, but some times a doggie can’t wait!

All I can say about our drive today was that it wasn’t dusty. Just wet gravel and splashing big rigs for 138 miles. We’re still on the ALCAN and now we are seeing more big rigs and fewer RV’s. Tomorrow we transition to the Cassiar Highway which will be more scenic. We may even see some wildlife. 

Tonight we’re at Baby Nugget RV and we barely got a reservation. There are 2 Caravans here tonight, both Fantasy and Adventure Caravans are parked all around us. We hope they all leave early tomorrow so that we can get some fuel and use the sanitary dump too. Should be an interesting morning.

Okay, here’s some Yukon trivia. They don’t have graffiti here on the roads because there’s nothing to write on. So the “artists” use rocks on the sandy hillsides to leave their messages. It was really hard to take a picture of them at 60 mph, but imagine hundreds of rock messages, names, drawings and even some naughty words written with rocks instead of spray paint.

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