Saturday, August 31, 2024


Almost 200 miles today as we work our way down to the border. Still diving on Highway  97 and nothing to complain about except the distance. Lots of steep grades up and down as we past many very large lakes and  lots of farm land. They sure grow a lot of hay in this part of Canada. I kept looking for the cows and horses that need that kind of food, but there were very few herds that I could see.

It’s interesting how many, signs on the highway are warning of wildlife crossing. I think there are more signs than animals because we never saw one moose or one caribou in over 1000 miles of  warning signs.

Tonight we are in the town of Cache Creek in the high desert of Canada. It’s the first time we have seen irrigation in the fields of hay and corn. Where there is water things are green, otherwise the terrain looks like Palmdale, CA. Had a little trouble getting into our campsite as it wasn’t really a pull through as advertised. Jim and Warren both had to unhook their jeeps to fit into the spaces. Jim and Kathe were having a little trouble when another camper (with a tiny class B) started giving Jim instructions in French. Funny but that didn’t really help at all. We finally got settled.

Dinner tonight was  delicious fish and chips from the food truck here. Plenty of food for the Kathies to wash down their Pink Lady Cocktails.

Jim has finally cleaned windshield so maybe my pictures tomorrow won’t have bugs guts!

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