Friday, August 23, 2024



I told you yesterday that it was cold in the Yukon. As we started off this morning it was still so cold you could see your breath.  It was clear and sunny in the campground but we looked up at the mountains to the north and saw fresh snow.  We’re getting out of here before we see snow on the highway.

Speaking of the highway, it was still pretty rough this morning. Lots of gravel patches and potholes so big and wide a chihuahua could doggie paddle across them. Warren and Kathy were in the lead again and we followed them so that we could see where to avoid the biggest problems.. No rain today was a blessing as that meant no dust. Poor Jim, his beautiful motor home is going to need a professional cleaning when we get back home.

For the last 40 or 50 miles of the drive the roads were much better and we were able to travel at about 55mph instead of the 30 or 35 that we had to do in the bad spots.

We stopped at a bakery in Haines Junction for treats before heading into our campground at Otter Falls Cutoff. Not much to say about this place, it’s just as bad as it was the last time we were here. Just a place to stop for the night.

Top picture is from this morning and the bottom picture is from the after here in Otter Falls.

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