Monday, August 19, 2024


 It’s official we are now starting back to the States. The next two nights we will be staying in Tok, our last stop in Alaska. After that we start for the Yukon Territory. We stayed here in Tok back in July and it looks exactly like it did back then. I found my favorite grass site in row 700 and things even smell better.

The ride today was another rough one. Not only was it pouring rain most of the way, the frost heaves were out to get us. I hardly got to sleep before I was tossed off my pillow. The good news was that there was hardly anyone on the road today. You know, it is very hard to take pictures when the cell phone keeps bouncing out of your paws. Sadly, no glaciers today.

The Taylors are still recovering, we still can’t get together for meals. I’m missing Bella and Gianni cause I can only see them in the distance, no more kissy face for a while. It’s been five days without them but it seems longer. We are going up to Chicken, Alaska tomorrow with them in separate cars. 

Our itinerary has changed a bit, we heard so many horror stories about the drive to the top of the world and Dawson City from campers we have met. We will skip that destination and follow a different route home than originally planned.

I know you wanted to see what Kathy T had for dinner last night. Four different whiskeys topped with four different ice creams. A Whiskey Float!

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