Tuesday, August 6, 2024


News flash! It’s raining. Getting wet doesn’t bother me too much, it’s actually a lot of fun because as soon as we get back into the coach I get a nice rubdown with a warm fluffy towel. Kathe is a so tired of going out in the rain that she said she’s going to burn her raincoat when we get home. 

A rainy day is perfect for going to a museum, so after spending the morning on paperwork the humans decided to drive into town to the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. But before they got there they saw some cool wildlife on their own. Warren spotted two bald eagles in a tree above their nest. Kathe took this picture. Alaska has a population of over 30,000 bald eagles and they are a common sight here in Homer. I even saw one last night on my last walk around the campground.

Okay, so back to the Wildlife Museum. There were many interactive exhibits including a replica of a sea bird colony with loud bird calls and a view where you were surrounded by flocks of the birds. An exhibit told the history of the islands and the changes to the wildlife over the years that signal conservation problems. A film showed how scientists and wildlife researchers monitor the vast islands in the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Alaska and the Bearing Sea. The birds were shown in an exhibit which was so very life like that Kathe took this picture of some puffins.

Tonight Warren is making a Mexican dinner and the cocktail will be a Paloma.

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