Wednesday, August 9, 2023



Here we are back on the road again. We’re trying to save the rest of our summer vacation now that Warren’s arm is healed enough to start having fun. 

Everything was going well, we even caught up to the Taylor’s when they surprised us at the first rest stop after the drive down the Grapevine.  

We were to spend the first night at the Almond Tree Oasis but when we stopped for fuel we had a problem. As we pulled away from the pump we heard a horrible noise.  We were stuck against a concrete pillar and had driven over a steel plate on the drivers side.  With a lot of head scratching, Warren and Jim managed to get us unstuck. In doing so we scratched and dented three bay doors. That’s not so bad right? Only problem was that the front drivers tire was so badly damaged we were afraid to continue up the Interstate at a high speed.

While I stayed home, the four of them went out to Harris Ranch for drinks and a steak dinner to figure out what to do. No tears were involved.

So, this morning I’m waiting in the coach with Kathe at the tire shop in Colinga while they send someone to Fresno for a new $900 dollar tire.  Planning to meet up with the Taylor’s tonight in Lodi California.

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