Sunday, August 27, 2023


We set off this morning for McMinnville and the Old Stone Village RV Resort, thinking we had an easy 74 miles to cover. It was a beautiful drive through a fairy forest of giant spruce trees that were covered with hairy moss. We kept expecting Big Foot or a troll to jump out into the 2-lane highway. Then all of a sudden, we came to a complete stand-still behind a line of cars and RV's. We couldn't see what the holdup was. We watched as many cars as possible U-turned and went back in the other direction. Of course, we couldn't do that because we are too long, so we had to wait over 30 or 40 minutes until we could see what was up ahead. 

First, we saw the giant tow truck backing up, then as we got closer, we saw the wreck. An eighteen-wheeler must have missed the turn and flew over the side of the road into a ditch. The truck was wrecked, but the driver appeared to be okay. Eventually we were able to get past the incident and continue to McMinnville. A few more minutes and we were on our way.  

We finally arrived here at the Old Stone Village and set up in two adjacent sites. It's warm, but both sites are under large shade trees. The Taylors and their doggies are already relaxing in their lounge chairs right outside my window. Can't wait to get outside and start enjoying the sunshine. The beach was nice, but so cold and foggy every night.

Looking forward to having a great time here for the next four nights.

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