Sunday, August 13, 2023


If it wasn't so gosh darn hot here this place would be paradise. Just walk out the door and you can see lots of wildlife, that is if you walk out the door at 4AM. Not especially the most fun for Kathe, but wow there are squirrels all over the place. Other than checking out the new squirrel digs each morning, there's not much else for me to do. I stay inside until someone forces me to go out in the heat for business purposes.

As for the humans, they always find something to do wherever we camp. This morning they were planning a bike ride on the great bike path that runs all along the river. At least that was the plan until they found a farmers market that opened at 10 AM.  It was a very small market, but they managed to buy some delicious home-grown vegetables and fruit.

By the time that they got back to camp they decided that it was too hot to bike, so they did some more shopping, ate some lunch and that's about the time when staying inside sounded good to everyone. Afterall it was 105 degrees outside.

Kathe and Jim did manage to take a short hike down to the river to take some pictures, so I guess the bike ride will have to be tomorrow. 

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