Friday, August 18, 2023


Boy, this is some RV park! Kathe says it the Beverly Hills of RV Parks, and she's not too happy. Everyone else thinks it's just beautiful. You know my Kathe, she's not too great with rules and regulations, and this place sure has a lot of them. All of the sites are owned here and so the only way you can rent a site is with the owner's permission. Our site has a view, but it is not of the ocean as we were led to believe, but a view of the grass and some other higher end coaches. Not my style, and I can't even figure out where to do my business without breaking some rule.

On the bright side, it's very cool here and the ocean isn't that far away. We have a nice grass area behind our coach but it's not private enough if you know what I mean. Gianni and Bella are nowhere near us, at least a block away. We all got together for cocktails and treats before dinner. It became super chilly, and the wind came up forcing us all inside for dinner. Maybe it will be sunny tomorrow, I sure hope so. Even with my fur coat, it's really chilly tonight.

Here are a couple of pictures that Jim and Kathe took on a hike they took down to the ocean. It's a long rocky trail down there from our site, and I'm afraid I'm not up for that. As you can see for all my complaining, it's really a beautiful place.

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