Monday, August 28, 2023


The Stone Village is a really nice RV Resort, but last night we had a tsunami. I went out at about midnight and there was water spraying everywhere. The sprinklers are supposed to be underground here, but something went terribly wrong. Water was spraying so high up in the air that water sprayed inside the coach through the open door. I got completely soaked. And this morning we were walking in mud puddles. Water was all over the coach and the car, which didn't make Jim one bit happy. Kathe complained to the park, but I don't think anything will change. Going to stay in tonight until the sprinklers are finished.

After all that excitement last night, they were in no hurry to do anything this morning. At about 11 or 12 the humans still were trying to figure out what they were going to do. Everyone is getting lazy, but eventually they made a decision to go wine tasting. There are about 25 or more wineries to choose from!

First stop, however was Country Johns Farm Shop where they purchased local fruit, pastries, and produce. Everything looked fresh and delicious. With them, it's all about the eating and drinking.

Next, they drove to the Couer De Terre Vineyard. They spent about two hours tasting some very special wines. They were the only people there, so they received the VIP treatment. The wines were all excellent and the experience was one of the best due to the knowledgeable people in the tasting room.

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