Friday, August 11, 2023


Today we all slept in, even me! By the time 10:00 rolled around Warren was ready to tackle fixing the damaged bin doors on our motor home. Jim pulled out all the tools and Warren supervised the repairs. Warren was the brains and Jim was the brawn of the operation. Warren still doesn't have full use of his right arm and has to be careful not to cause additional injury. They worked together for a couple of hours and were able to make all the doors function properly. Still not pretty, but at least everything closes and locks again.

After lunch, boiled chicken for me and ham sandwiches for my humans, it was time to explore Redding. First stop was the Olde West Gun and Loan Company, the best antique pawn shop in Redding. While Jim explored the rifles, Warren spent time checking out the silver dollar case. Of course, the Kathies spent the whole time looking at the jewelry case.  Lots of bling for sale!

The next adventure was a drive to Whiskeytown. No whiskey, but a beautiful National Recreation Area with a crystal-clear lake with more than 36 miles of shoreline.  The plan was to hike to the Whiskeytown Falls, but in this heat, they just took pictures. Made everyone wish that we had a boat instead of a motor home today.

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