Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Long, but beautiful drive today. Lots of trees, and lots of logging trucks passing us as we drove across the state of Oregon from the I-5 to the coast to highway 101. Also, lots of twists and turns as we followed the Taylors to our home for the next three nights. We are staying right on Coos Bay at the Mill Creek Casino RV Park, conveniently next to a huge casino.  And not too far from a mountain of sawdust at the Mill.

Our site has a view of the bay right out the front window. And as an added treat for me, two giant dog parks. I can see dogs all day long, but no barking allowed until we go outside.

And it's cool here. They weatherman said that there is an excessive heatwave warning for Coos Bay; it's going up to 80 degrees. Lots cooler than the 107 we experienced last night. No need to sleep on the tile floor tonight, we will all cuddle up in the big bed. Nice and quiet without the air conditioning running all night long.

Tomorrow Jim will clean the windshields for both coaches without using a ladder! My pictures will be a lot better after that.

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