Monday, August 14, 2023


Another "early" morning for my humans today. Jim and the Kathies wanted to go for a bike ride along the Rogue River before it got too hot. Warren couldn't go because the doctor was told him that if he had another accident he could damage his arm again. He stayed home and roasted the peppers he bought yesterday at the farmers market. Gianni, Bella, and I were happy just to stay home in the air-conditioning all morning.

The bike ride was really fun, a wide paved path past farms and lots of black berries, out of the park all the way to the city of Rogue River. My Kathe didn't ride quite as far as Kathy and Jim did, but she stayed upright and even had fun riding about 5 miles up and back.

After lunch they decided it was too hot to stay outside and started looking into the wineries to visit in the area of Grants Pass. They drove about 30 miles into the countryside to the Wooldridge Creek Vineyard. The area reminded them of Paso Robles, with lots of Oak trees and farms along the narrow roads. They tasted both red and white wines in a beautiful outdoor tasting room. Luckily, they had misters which kept the area cool. They purchased a few bottles of wine and some local cheeses which were also for sale at the Winery.

On the way back to the campground, they stopped for another tasting at Del Rio Vineyards. They had been at this winery many years ago and they liked several of the white wines that they tried. They came home with four more bottles of wine which they all agreed were the best of the ones they tasted.

Tomorrow we head to the coast, and we are hoping that it will be cooler than this area. It's above 105 again today. It's only fun to go outside in the early morning and after dark.

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