Wednesday, August 16, 2023


This morning it was so foggy that we couldn't see across the bay. I heard some of the locals talking about how they were glad that the heat wave was over, and the fog was in. Heat wave, you're kidding me, the only heat wave we knew about was the furnace that Jim turned on this morning. It was 62 degrees for heaven's sake. Even with my fur coat I was a little chilly.

After breakfast all the humans piled into the Jeep and headed across town to the ocean. The destination was Sunset Bay State Park. Warren and Kathy had been there before, and they acted as the tour guides. We toured the Campground but there were very few sites that could accommodate rigs our size. It was very close to the ocean and would be a great place to stay next time.

They drove further south to Cape Arago where they had a great view of the many small islands off the coast. There were many sea lions on the rocks, but even so far away, they sure were noisy. After a short hike to get the best reef views, they took some pictures.

Next stop was Shore Acres State Park. This was once a mansion built by the Simpson family as a private estate with flowering trees and formal gardens, complete with a 100-foot lily pond. In 1942 it was purchased by the State and is now a State Park. They toured the over 5 acres of beautiful gardens.

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