Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Last day here in Newport so it was time for sightseeing. We woke up this morning to the best day yet, it was sunny and clear with no wind at all. Kathe and I enjoyed a walk around the resort meeting several friendly doggies and sniffing good morning.

The humans got a late start on the day, it seems like they are getting lazier every day. They had a plan to drive north, and the first destination was Otter Rock State Park. Up high on a cliff above the ocean was observation area. There was a lot of excitement, there were several whales down below in the kelp beds. They stayed for a while, just watching the action.

Next stop was Devil Punchbowl State Park. Looking down from that cliff they were able to see the water flowing through a hole in the rocks. Waves enter the bowl and churn and foam. On other side of the cliff there were several surfers trying to catch a choppy wave

Not too far from the Devils Punchbowl was a small touristy area with shops and a winery called the Flying Dutchman. You know my humans just had to taste the wines. Kathy T liked a sweet blackberry wine, but Jim and Warren were more interested in the clam chowder next door.

Last stop of the day was a little shopping area in the town of Depoe Bay. Lots of little gift shops and saltwater taffy along the coast with the usual tourist treasures. Warren said that the ship from China must have stopped here, and every shop filled their shelves with the same stuff.

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