Saturday, August 12, 2023


Today we drove from Redding, California to Gold Hill, Oregon. Such a scenic drive, all through the Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest.   We left a little later than normal this morning because we had a shorter drive, and we couldn't check into the Valley of the Rogue State Park until 4:00.

First thing this morning, we drove past and over Lake Shasta. Boy, that's a big Lake, it goes on for miles and miles. Last time we were here the river was very low, but with the rains this past winter it looked really full. Lots of boaters enjoying the water at last.

As we drove along the freeway, we started to see Mount Shasta in the distance.  You can't miss it! It's over 14,000 feet high and still covered with a lot of snow. Taking pictures through the window is challenging, so no comments please.

We arrived here at the State Park and are camped across from the Taylors. They are actually in a different loop, but one loop is inside of the other loop, so we are only about 50 feet apart. It's hot and a little bit smoky because there is still a fire burning in the Forest. It just smells like a campfire, so we are okay. Who wants a campfire anyway when its 105 degrees outside. We love this place, and we get to spend 3 nights here.

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